You know how I hate my body? Well, as weird as it is, I'm actually not even giving a crap lately.
I mean, I still dislike it. I still hate living in it, it still looks ugly naked, etc etc... but I am just less concerned than I normally would be. Instead, I feel like a hot plus-sized girl. You know how some plus-sizers are just ATTRACTIVE? Well, for some reason, I feel like I can put myself in this category... and it's strange because I'm fatter than I have been in a while (though not the fattest I've ever been). Perhaps it's because I know this won't last... that it's given me some freedom to simply dress well for my size and stop caring so much about it. I dunno.
I'm SO uncaring, that I'm doing something I would have never previously done - I've purchased a pair of black skinny-leg jeans. Now I was always of the belief that skinny legs looked WAY better on people that were actually skinny and had legs that were fairly straight-up-and-down... otherwise you end up with carrot legs. I'd seen plus-sized girls in them though, who looked awesome, but generally they were the plus-sizers who were tall and leggy anyway... something I absolutely am not. I'm all of 160cm... I'm short. But, screw it. I'm going to wear some skinny legs because it's cold. I need a tunic though - I don't want to scare little children with my camel-toe.
Speaking of camel-toes, and I know this is far too much information about my bajingo, but do any other plus-sizers have what I'd call a "puffy mound?" That sounds so wrong, but it's how it is for this fat girl. Not only am I overweight (well, obese), but my vagina is as well. That lovely flattish bit where women's "landing strip," or whatever you want to call it, would be? Well, mine's fat. Thing is, how the hell do you get your cha-cha to lose weight? Does it just happen when YOU lose weight? Lovely women I speak to elsewhere have suggested that perhaps it doesn't... or that it does, but then your partner expresses that he feels as if he's "fucking a bucket." lol. No joke, someone apparently said that.
So, is that all I get? A fat vag, or having a bucket-like punani? Sounds like a great choice... lol.
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