Perhaps the hardest thing now is eating at work. I'm working at the day spa several days a week, and get a 1/2 hour lunch break each shift. 1/2 hour is nice for a break, but not so much for lunch. I'm finding that instead of eating during my lunch break, I eat a bite here and there whenever I can. It works out well for me, but it can sometimes be difficult... it means I'm not really eating much at all. If I am only give officially 1/2 hour over a course of 8 hours to eat, that's really very little food I'm consuming. So if I have a spare 10 mins, I'll try to get something in, because I know I won't eat much otherwise... and given that some of it is quite physical (massaging a man built like a gorilla for an hour is hard enough... some days I have 4 of them in a row, and damn it's tough!), I really feel that I've GOT to make sure I'm eating.
Speaking of eating, I decided to do a before/after shot of food, mostly so I could see how much I was eating per meal these days. I didn't eat out of the measuring cup in the pic. lol.
I dished myself up a bit less than a cup of spaghetti (full of fresh tomatoes, carrots, zucchini and onion, herbs, mince and wholegrain penne, with a little cheese on top, so not TOO bad health-wise!), and when I was done there was about 1/3 of a cup left, so I ate a little less than 2/3 of a cup.
I've also been thinking more and more about plastic surgery. Some fellow sleevers have mentioned it being "reconstructive," and while that's somewhat true, my skin overhang isn't nearly as bad as some end up with, so I'm not sure anyone would class it as reconstructive. Who knows. Regardless, it looks like I'll end up about $5000 out of pocket for each op. There are 4 things I'm considering - tummy tuck, breast lift, thigh lift (upper thigh only) and arm lift. I'm honestly not sure I'll want to do them all though, so trying to figure out what's most important. Right now, I'm thinking maybe arms and thighs. My stomach is destroyed anyway, it will never see the light of day regardless, so is there really a point to doing that? I suppose after I have more kids my mind might change, but right now, I'm thinking that maybe it can just be left alone.
My arms are nice and gross, I don't like them. Same with my upper thighs. So I think they're probably most likely to get done.
My boobs... well, I'd like them to be fuller (not so empty) but they still look nice in a bra, and it's not like I've gone down heaps of cup sizes so they're really really empty. In fact, I've gone from a 20E to a 12G (was fitted yesterday), so technically not shrunk much at all in that area.
Strangely enough, watching Mad Men has helped me stop stressing about my belly. Christina Hendricks is stunning. Her curves are amazing. Yet, I notice, in her little wiggle dresses when she's side-on, she has a small belly... like I do. If I think she's stunning... if other people find her stunning...then her little belly can't be too horrible can it?
Well, I've decided if she can do it, so can I. So I have. Apart from my new Collectif sarong dress in the previous entry, I've just scored myself a Hell Bunny Desperado Pencil Dress, that is, pretty much, skin-tight. I have a little belly, but I've decided that so what? I also have curves that I didn't have pre-op (or I did, they were just less extreme)... so I'm going to dress how I want, and since I love wiggle dresses, I'm going to wear them regardless of my little belly sag/fat.
This is my lovely new dress, and something that I MUST brag about is the size. Now Hell Bunny is quite generous, and the dress does offer a little stretch... so don't think I'm delusional in thinking that I am now this size... but... this dress is a SMALL. It's all I could get my hands on, all other sizes were sold out... so looking at the measurements and knowing there was a stretch-panel in the back of the bust, I decided to risk it. It arrived today, and it fits.
I am over the moon... partly because it's a small, and partly because I've decided to embrace my little belly and wear wiggle dresses regardless of it.
That's about it from me I think...
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