Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quick update...

Thought I'd give a quick update. 81.3kg is the new number, and I'm quite happy. That's less than 5kg until the dietician's goal of 77kg!

On the weekend I went out to dinner with my friend... and I ordered an entree. It was delicious, but I had so little it mostly looked like I'd moved stuff around on my plate. Quite embarrassing, but I explained to the waitress that the food was divine, I was just physically unable to have much more of it.

It was also quite interesting to talk to my friend - she is someone I've always considered quite slim... and she is 10kg lighter than me. That's it. TEN KILOS. That seems like NOTHING compared to the gap that used to be between us. Of course, she is taller than me, so it makes a bit more difference... but TEN KILOS! There's also 10kg (well, more like 10.4kg) between DP and I. DP has put on about 5kg, so that lessens the gap... but I am still very happy, considering it used to be over 40kg.

I took some a side-on pic in my underwear to compare as none of my clothes are really figure-hugging at the moment. I wasn't going to share, but decided to, because I've noticed a difference between it and my previous underwear shot.

Left is now, right is late November.

My belly seems to be a bit flatter. Not too much, but enough that I could notice anyway. Please excuse my lack of bra. This was just before a shower. I figure covering my breast makes it not-so-pornographic but apologies if the sight of the side of my tit bothers you. I did flip the pic though... so I could compare the two more easily. They're actually showing different sides of my torso.

Someone's also asked if I'd like to model for her in a burlesque/pinup type shoot. She's an amateur photographer, but I'm quite excited. I've warned her that I don't look perfect, but it'll be interesting to do it anyway. I'll probably find I'm a shit poser, but it'll be a good way to dress up, something that I love to do. If I can, once that's done, I'll share the pics!

The confidence I feel is amazing - I can't imagine boudoir shots 5 months ago. The thought of posing in lingerie would make me want to cry. Now though, I feel so much freer. I feel so much more attractive, so much more comfortable, and so much less bothered by the fact that my body is far from perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are doing so well. It is so fantastic - not just the weight loss, but the confidence and happiness that has come with it for you. I am really happy for you and you are looking great!
