Monday, January 09, 2012

Rockabilly Hair, food intake and lowest adult weight ACHIEVED!

First up - I am now at my lowest adult weight ever (that I know of!). A few years ago (2008), I starved myself after a relationship breakdown... from 110kg to 83kg over a 2-3 month period. This was from eating pretty much nothing (I might have a bite or so of meat, or a cube of cheese... and then a whole bunch of water or sugarfree drinks)... and from spending lots of time on an exercise bike. When I started to seriouly starve and was unable to continue that, whatever little I did consume was thrown up (on purpose) minutes later.

Anyway, that's disgusting, but that was how I got to my lowest ever adult weight. 83kg.

I've now broken that. Just. 82.8kg... but it's still lower than 83kg and so I'm taking it and running with it!

I'm THRILLED that I am now at my lowest, and that it's not the result of some sort of temporary bulimia/anorexia (stress-induced I would say... it happened after my ex said some horribly nasty things to me about my size/looks/weight and how unlikely I'd be to ever be in another relationship in that state). I was also drinking a fair bit during that stage... so none of that either. I drink on occasion, but not like I did then. So anyway, I am very happy that I am now the smallest I've been as an adult! YAY!

Speaking of drinking on occasion... I am  going out in a few weeks... something I rarely do. I rarely go out anywhere, let alone go out as an adult to have fun child-free... but this weekend is coming up. It was originally planned for last year sometime, but my daughter required surgery instead... and it happened to be booked in on the day I was going to go out, so that didn't happen.

So now I'm going out... with my Hell Bunny dress! I've got a petticoat in the mail to wear with the Seasick Sue dress... problem is, my Seasick Sue dress is too big. I wore it all day the other day and what a PITA... too big, kept on falling down. I complained to DP about it later that night (online - he's at the mines at the moment), and he told me to just buy another one in a smaller size... so I've done that, and will just sell my Seasick Sue on eBay or something... and have organised to return my Olivie dress too, in exchange for a smaller size. I'm a Large now, not an XL. Woohoo!

I've also been fiddling with hair... since I was a little girl, 40s/50s/60s style was something I quite liked... and for a while now I've been trying to figure out victory rolls. They're really hard, especially for someone who is absolutely shit with hair... but I managed something that looks somewhat like victory rolls last night, and I'm very proud indeed! My excess hair at hte back needs to be kept up in a snood/hairnet or something, or I'll have to use a gibson roll (a roll at the back)... but either way, I had to share...

Rolling quite long hair up that whole way and pinning it to your head is effing hard... but I'm so glad I managed it. I quite like it, though I know it's not everyone's thing... it's quite common in the rockabilly/pinup world which seems to be the kind of style I'm falling into. I think I've always liked it, it's just that I've never been able to fit into the appropriate clothes (apart from a few incredibly overpriced items, and why spend that much when you're hoping to lose kgs anyway?)... so I do think I might sink deeper into this style. In a way, it feels a bit silly though... like a kid playing dress-ups, and while I want to wear my hair out like this (with something else done to the excess) when I go out, I'm a bit scared of the attention I know I'll recieve simply for being different. Even wearing the Seasick Sue dress got me a fair bit of attention, and I can handle that... because it's mostly, "I love your dress," rather than "Hey, look at that girl's hair!"

Meh. I might try it on anyway. If the attention freaks me out, I'll just not do it again. Or learn to deal with attention...

DP hates the looks btw. He hasn't seen the victory rolls, but hates the make-up that goes along with the look. You know, manicured brows, eyeliner/falsies, bold lippy, etc. Meh. I had to remind him I'm doing it for ME not for him.

Anyway, I know that this has mostly been about weight loss, this blog, but I've always rambled on about fashion (well, my personal tastes anyway)...

As for food, I've had a shit of a time the past few days. Saturday I had 2 sushi rolls. The entire day.

Can't remember what I did yesterday - apart from dinner which was a small amount (1/2 cup maybe) of a vege-filled shepherd's pie thing... I mostly ate the meat/veges rather than the potato topping.

Today I had an UpnGo for breakfast (yay at keeping milk down!)... that took about 2 hours to drink in full. I had about 1/4 of a sandwich with some roast chicken on it... this really nice seeded loaf, but I just couldn't fit much in. Dinner was a bit of marinated chicken breast, roasted, (maybe 1/4 of a breast) and some tomatoes (I don't really like lettuce anymore). Well, 2 cherry tomatoes anyway. Also had about 4 raspberries.

'Til next time...

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