Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why fitting boots is special, Sumo Salad love and a few progress shots...

Well, my plateau seems to be finishing... I've started to lose again. I've now reached into 75kg territory, which is pleasing, though not that exciting at this point in time. If I could make it to 70kg, I think I will be happy, but as I said previously, I'm not too worried how long that takes.

Yesterday I went shopping, mostly for groceries but I went and had a look elsewhere too since my daughter wasn't with me and I was free to look around without anyone complaining. I was delighted to find I easily fit into the stuff at some of the cheap fashion stores probably aimed at poor teenagers. I suspect I'll never properly fit into their non-stretch shirts though, because they seem to expect you are no bigger than B-cup if shopping there, but I was happy all the same. It means I can easily pick up cheap staples if I need to... shopping cheaply when you're plus-sized is almost impossible, so finding a skirt under $30 was a new experience!

I also passed by Target's shoe section, and for some reason, decided to give the Winter boots a try. Now, some bigger women have smaller limbs and have always been able to fit into these types of boot, but I have what my mother loving refers to as "shapely legs." I will never be thin-limbed, and so far, boots have been strictly off-limits to me, unless I wanted to pay upwards of $200 and have "wide-fitting" boots designed for bigger women sent from overseas. Buying a pair of $70 from Target or similar has only ever been an option if I wanted those ankle-height "booties," which I personally find hideous.

Actually, I don't even like full calf length boots appealing anymore either, but at some point in time I did want a pair, and was so aggrevated that I was simply too fat for them. Now, for the first time since I was probably about 15 (because that was roughly when I would have gained an interest in them), I can fit into them! These weren't even the types that were wider because they were meant to be worn baggy... these were the slim-fitting boots, and I tried on several pairs just to confirm it wasn't a fluke. I am now small enough to fit into boots and I am thrilled. As I said, I have no real interest in boots anymore, but I think I might just buy a pair because I finally CAN.

To those who have never been too fat for boots, you probably think, "so what?" as my partner did when I told him (actually, he looked at me and asked, with a raised eyebrow, "What the hell do you want boots?"). Skinny people just do not understand what finally being able to fit into boots means, but I'm sure some reading might... and it feel so good to finally have boots as an option, if I ever so wish to wear a pair.

So, thank you sleeve... for allowing me to finally fit into boots. lol.

I've also realised just how freakishly large my boobs seem to be now. "You lose it from the boobs first," seems to be what everyone says. Everyone else also seems to notice that this is indeed a true statement when talking about their own weight loss. Except me.

Walking in a tight-fitting top past reflective store windows today, I looked at them, then looked at my partner and commented how they hadn't really done much shrinking compared to the rest of me and are starting to look a bit too big for my liking. I've always enjoyed having large breasts - I do appreciate the compliments and attention they recieve from time-to-time (depending on the moment - if I'm with my daughter, for instance, I'd rather be invisible than have men stare at and talk to my breasts rather than my face), and I also love the fact that big boobs make your waist look even smaller... I suspect if I had little boobs, I would look (at least to myself) much fatter than I feel I currently do.

Anyway, now they're just getting a bit extreme. I was an E cup pre-op. Now I am too big for an E-cup, but have no idea wtf size I am meant to be because I haven't gone in search of the types of bra shops that sell cup sizes bigger than that. Instead, I am simply wearing an E-cup with a back size too big for me, so that I can actually somewhat fit into something until I can bother going elsewhere for bigger sizes. So, for those stressing that if you lose lots you will also lose your boobs - you may not. You may, in fact, find that your boobs do not shrink much at all compared to the rest of you and start thinking you look like a bit of a freak, as I did today.

I've switched from my resistance band and 1kg weights to 2kg weights... I am hoping this helps with some of my upper arm toning, but not getting my hopes up. They seem to really resist doing anything other than being fat and hideous at this point in time. *sigh*

In the food department, I've started having egg on toast for breakfast, and it's been feeling really good. I only manage half a piece of toast (therefore half an egg too) at a time, but have found I feel much fuller than I do when I just consume my Up n Go Energize (I really hate breakfast... so this has been all I've done until now), so am planning to keep the egg and toast thing up. I also saw in Coles today that there's a breakfast cereal with "PROTEIN" written across it. It's made by Goodness Superfoods and is called "Protein 1st." Packing looks like this...

It appears to be pretty much like a muesli, but is fairly high in protein too. 45g of the cereal in 1/2 cup of skim milk is 13.4g protein (and about 212 calories). That's more than my egg on toast, so I might give this a go. That said, I have no idea how much of this cereal you have to eat to get 45g in... so I suspect a sleever's intake would probably be less. Still, for those who enjoy cereals but hate they offer no real protein, this might be a good option to try, especially if you like muesli.

Another thing I have to spruik is Sumo Salad. I am just in love with their delicious salad range, and cannot recommend them enough for a sleever. I get the small size, and so far I tend to have only 3... the Chicken and Mushroom, the Grilled Chicken Low GI and the Moroccan Lamb. There's about 20g (give or take a few g) of protein in a small size, and I make sure I eat the meat (and cheese and beans and nuts or whatever if they have them) first, before feasting on the rest... but if I have time to eat slowly, I can manage a decent amount considering. Def a good take-away choice... I honestly suck at making my own salads compared to these guys... despite my efforts.

Decided I might pop in some progress shots too... so here's me... 75kg, taken today.

Not dressed the best, but meh... I only left home to go to Coles and buy my daughter some breakfast cereal, so not too fussed on that.

I'm also quite happy that I've now got a good weight circumference and am no longer in that "danger zone" area of above 80cm. I'm surprised that some women that are smaller than me in weight still have bigger waist circumferences... I always assumed that generally, if you were a healthy BMI you'd have a healthy waist circumference, but apparently not. Anyway, I'm now 78cm around, so only JUST healthy, but that means I'm less at risk for heart attack and similar, so I'm happy enough with that for now. I suspect it might continue to shrink, albeit slowly, over time.

And there's my boring update... please, if you have a WLS blog, link me! I love following blogs and would really appreciate adding more to my collection! 

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