Okay so had my appointment with another GP... figured I'd update you all...
She was pretty bloody thorough so I'm very happy. Also noted that I haven't had a papsmear in about 5 years (tsk tsk Stacey!), so recommended I have another. I have no issues having it done... I just hadn't found a doctor I liked well enough to have them poke around down there. First impressions have left me trusting this doctor enough to have her do it, which sounds kinda weird when you think about it, but I'll probably be having one of those done soon.
Anyway, that's not even why I went there...
She tested my blood pressure while I was sitting, standing and laying down, and it was pretty much the same each time (few points this way or that) so she's sure it's an issue. She said it's REALLY high and it's quite dangerous for me to be out and about untreated for this... I think she was a bit disappointed in her fellow doctor when I explained that he'd basically fobbed me off about my BP in the past.
She asked a bunch of questions... including questions about facial and body hair. How embarrassing to admit to anyone (and yeah, I'm about to admit it online, but meh... online always seems less awkward that face-to-face) that yes, I have 4 hairs that grow on my face in regular spots (2 under my chin, 1 on my neck and one on the side of nose, though the last one is not black but clear... but gets really really long). Also that, yes, I do grow hair on my bottom. And on my nipples. And on my tummy. Not just regular hair mind you - everyone has that - but gross thick, black hair.
Now I'm pale with dark hair anyway, so hair naturally stands out on me... she pointed out my arm hair, but I assured her I'd always had that... not sure if it's because I've always had "issues," or what, I just think it's how my arm hair naturally grows as a result of my colouring, not anything being wrong with me. The other things though... well, I think she was hinting at PCOS.
She prodded my stomach, and I'm assuming that's to feel my ovaries, but I don't know if she found anything useful by doing that. There's layers of fat to contend with there, but also loose, flappy skin as a result of having my daughter. It was a little tender too... but again, I've become used to it so I don't know whether that was something which was cause for concern or not. She didn't give much away in her facial expressions, and I suspect that was intentional.
She asked other things, and I admitted that I am mostly exhausted despite doing nothing to warrant such exhaustion... explaining to her that I could happily spend all day long asleep... and then the night too (I didn't admit that I HAVE done this sometimes since my daughter started school... because, well, I'm ashamed that I'm so damn lazy as to do that!). I also mentioned that sometimes my heart thumps so hard in my chest when all I'm doing is sitting still. You know when you run and it pounds? Well, it's like that, only I'm doing nothing more than sitting still.
I also sweat easily. Just walking can have me sweating. I explained that I wondered if this might be just because I'm obese, but also explained that even if that was the case, it is different to how things were for me when I was even bigger than I am now, because back then, sweating wasn't an issue despite being heavier than I currently am.
There were some other things said and mentioned... I can't remember exactly what right now... but basically I've been sent for testing.
She wants me to be tested for PCOS, so I've got blood tests and a urine test for that (I assume that is what those tests are for) as well as having my thyroid checked again. Last time (October last year) it was fine... but on the higher end of fine, so she wants to make sure that's okay. I'm assuming she also wants to check my cholesterol considering that was high last time as well.
I'll also be heading for a renal scan. Yep, scan of my heart. She says that even if I was 50kg heavier and lived on junk food alone, I shouldn't have such high blood pressure at my age... but said that there are some young people who suffer from something wrong with their arteries near their heart (from what she said, I assume it was something one is born with) and thus their blood pressure sky-rockets. So, that'll be tested too.
I'm also to stop taking the pill for at least a month. Yay. Condoms. Hurrah. *rolls eyes* Anyway, I'll have to do that because she wants to check my hormone levels.
Oh yeah - that's another thing she asked about - discharge from my nipples. I can squeeze some liquid (slightly yellow-tinged clear stuff) from my right nipple... so I'm assuming that means something to her?
Anyway, it sounds like my body is basically doing a "Screw You!" to me, so I hope that there is nothing seriously wrong. The idea of PCOS is scary, because I don't want to have issues falling pregnant when I choose to (though I admit, I know very little about PCOS at all). I also don't want heart issues though... because who wants heart issues?
She says she'll probably put me on medication as soon as I've done the blood, urine and renal scan though... she just needs me to do these things first, without medication, to see what's going on.
I am so glad that she actually took the time to listen to me and appreciate my concerns... and then send me off to figure out wtf is wrong.
Still, I am now quite worried because I don't want there to be anything wrong...
Wow she sounds like a great GP! Very thorough. I'm glad she is looking after you. :)