Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Loan is a bitch, so is Winter shopping...

Haven't posted in a bit because...well...I'm annoyed. I want to know whether I've got the freaking loan or not. Yes or no. That's all I want to know!

Anyway, apart from that...

I've been thinking about the lovely Mischa. She had her surgery on Tuesday, and I cannot wait to hear from her. I really hope she's doing well in hospital, and isn't in too much pain right now. Also hope that she's using that pain-relief button whenever she feels she needs it... I know I will be pressing mine whenever I need to!

I hope she's not bored in hospital either. I think her hospital didn't have wifi like mine will... though I dunno how I'm going to access it considering I don't have a laptop or iPod or anything, but maybe someone will be willing to let me have a lend of theirs. Or maybe I'll just do what I always do when I'm in hospital and sleep. Or watch TV. I'll have Foxtel so at least I can watch something other than crappy daytime TV.

I'm kind of annoyed that I have to get through Winter before I have my operation. It means I have to get new clothes. I tried on my jeans from last years... I can do them up, but I have the worst camel-toe, and they're just not flattering. So will even need to buy new jeans. My daggy jumpers fit, but they're just "around the house," items, so I really need to find some new clothes... which is always a PITA for a fat girl.

I've always wanted a trenchcoat but have never gotten one because they're so expensive, and we live in Qld... but I might just cave this year and get one... then flog it off on eBay when I'm done with it. At least I'll look nice in my last Winter as a fatty. Or at least as nice as I can look, being rugged up in layers of clothes which no doubt add to my bulk. *sigh*

I can't be bothered writing anymore - as I said, I'm annoyed. I want to know if I got the loan or not. I rang them up and they were apparently waiting on info about income, so at least they're doing something... I just wish they did it quicker! Hopefully we'll know by tomorrow. If not, I'll be PISSED OFF.

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