Sunday, May 15, 2011

Screw You Zoo!

Something really made me annoyed the other day. Yesterday I think - so Saturday.

Basically, DP came home from work (he worked Saturday - LAME!) with a ZOO magazine. His explanation was he wanted to read the Osama Bin Laden jokes (they had a heap of tacky jokes in there that immature minds find funny - DP being one of though I think the amount of semi-nude girls in there certainly didn't discourage him from buying it either.

Now I know what you're thinking - you're thinking you're knowing where this is heading and I got shirty because I was jealous and DP was being a perve... blah blah. Well, actually, no. That would often by my annoyance, but I'm over that. DP can look at girls like that if he wants - I've finally realised that he loves me, and accepts me as I am and knows I'll never look like those girls... he probably also knows that those girls would probably irritate the shit out of him anyway if he was in a relationship with one of them.

No, what I got angry about was the way girls/women are portrayed and treated in magazines like that... and how it teaches not only young men, but also young women, that a girl is worth little more than her looks. Actually, her face doesn't even matter - usually just her body. Her face can be a bonus, but the body is the important part. How does she look good naked? Are her boobs perky enough? Is her bum full enough, but not TOO full? How hairy is she? Etc etc etc.

It just pisses me off.

I mean, just look at the types of girls and images you'll see in these types of magazines...

 Is this how guys expect girls to be?  

Why even bother with a bikini at all Emily Scott?

And so they learn that boobs shouldn't sag when in that position...
See what I mean? It doesn't even matter what these girls are like. What they think. What they want in life. No, just show us the tits and arse and the "come fuck me," eyes and that's all that matters. Boys are taught that this is ideal... and therefore your average girl just doesn't compare to this. As they get older, they realise that this isn't really how girls are... but in the back of the their minds I bet a decent number of them are wishing we were...

At the same time though, girls aren't immune from Zoo mag. Their brothers, friends, fathers buy it and they see it. Even if they don't see Zoo mag, they see enough in everyday life to get the same sort of message - that all that matters is how you look... and how willing you are to put out. So, they start to pose like this, get the big fake boobs, and criticise their bodies for being normal because we're being taught that normal is ugly, and that a body is far more attractive when having been previously carved up by a surgeon's knife to contain all sorts of fake bits and pieces.

THIS stuff is the reason I hate myself. THIS stuff has taught me that I am not good enough... and it's taught the world that I'm not good enough.

I mean, having a good ol' perve on naked chicks isn't new... but what's considered attractive is certainly more fake than it used to be. They used to have it RIGHT in the past...

Titian knew women often have a small podge of a belly on them... and that it's normal and beautiful!

Unlike Zoo, Rubens taught people that women are beautiful when they're natural
I mean, look at this? THIS I have no issue with, because it's realistic. THAT is what so many women look like naked... HEALTHY WOMEN. I mean, I don't look like that naked - I look way worse - but I'm not healthy. These women would have been (as healthy as one could be living during that period). They have flesh on their upper-arms, they have creases on their stomachs when they sit, their jawlines are soft because they have a bit of flesh there. SO different to what Zoo advertises the ideal woman to be.

The fact is, no woman looks like Krystal or Emily or any of the other girls in Zoo without SOME help. That might just be being smothered in make-up, but it can also mean injections into various parts of their body, implants (more often than not), and probably pretty restrictive diets and exercise routines. Guys are taught to want a woman who looks like this - but the reality is, a woman who looks like that would probably be a hell of a lot of work as she'd spend a lot of time and money fussing over her looks, her food, her exercise etc etc.

When you just wanna curl up and watch a movie with some popcorn, she's probably freaking about what that popcorn will do to her thighs. When you take her out to a nice restaurant, she's counting every calorie of food she's popping into her mouth knowing how far she's going to have to run to burn it off later. When you think she's got great tits, it's because she's felt so bad about how they were in their natural state that she went to a surgery and asked him to hack them open and insert a foreign object in there just so guys like you can think they look good. Or just because she thinks they look good... but that's likely BECAUSE of guys like you who've produced magazines like Zoo who've taught her that she's not good enough unless her boobs look like that.

It just gives me the shits that my daughter is living in a world where her peers will be taught that they are not good enough as they are, and that they need big, gravity-defying tits, be smothered in orange fake take, be willing to look like they're ready for penetration at any given moment... not even just ready, but LONGING for it... because that's all she wants. To please you. To look hot and to get fucked. That's what Zoo teaches - and I'm just over it.

The sad thing is, despite knowing all of this... I still feel ugly compared to those girls. Look at them. Their smooth skin, which is no doubt a result of make-up and photoshop as well as endless exercise and a strict diet, makes me jealous. Their gravity-defying boobs make mine appear even saggier (though for their size and the fact they're natural, and the fact I've had a kid, mine are quite alright) and that upsets me. Those girls just rub it in that I am not good enough. They tell me I'm not good enough and they tell everyone else I'm not good enough and for all that I LOATHE magazines like Zoo for treating women like that, I loathe myself even more for not BEING like that... and MY GOD that sucks! To KNOW that my expectations are not realistic, and yet feel not good enough regardless.

If teen boys want to have a perve on naked girls - whatever. I know teenagers (actually, males of all ages) can be right perverts... but why not show a girl as she is? Why does she have to waif-thin with huge fake boobs, hair extensions, fake tan, and pulling a "yes please!" face? Why can't she just be pretty as she is, naturally? Why can't that be sexy enough?

Sorry for the rant, it just really pissed me off.

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