Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Fatty in the Skinnies, Gassy Kidneys and Getting Behind the Wheel

Got my skinnies in the mail today and popped them on right away!

I don't actually think they look too bad tbh... I mean, they'd look better on Heidi Klum (in her size... not in the 18s I, but I'm never gonna be Heidi and have gotta make the most of what I have.
Who says short, fat girls can't wear skinny jeans? 
I'm actually a tiny bit worried about wearing them around family... because we're not a skinny jean wearing family (on either side) and I'm the biggest girl there is... so I'm a little paranoid about comments, but I've just got to keep in mind that none of them are really the experts on fashion, and since many of them wear things I wouldn't touch with a barge pole, their opinions shouldn't be that important to me.

I've also added another entry to my VLOG. You're more than welcome to watch me ramble on aimlessly.

I've actually become really bad with my eating. I mentioned it a few blog posts ago, but it's driving me a bit mental. It's like every night is my last meal, so I've got to have the yummiest foods I can in ample quantities... because it's as if I think it's the last time I'll ever get to eat these things. I think it's a freak-out from the fact that surgery is looming and I won't be able to eat those things for a while afterwards. I really need to stop... but stopping is harder than simply knowing I have to. Obviously. Or else I wouldn't be fat, huh?

As you guys know, I've had issues with blood pressure... and the doctor has been trying to figure out wtf is going on. I've been sent for a bunch of tests, one being a renal scan. Now for some reason, I'm an idiot, and figured this was a HEART scan... but that would have made it a cardiac scan. Renal is kidneys. I think it was the way she explained it to me that confused me. Anyway, it was basically a scan on the arteries between my heart and kidneys, as well as my kidneys themselves. Also, looking at the ultra sound images, my aorta was looked at too.

Now, I have no idea wtf the ultra sound images mean... but they popped this diagram in there...

My kidneys as drawn by the ultra sound technician lady...

Now I have no clue as to what those numbers mean, but you can see that the right kidney (which is actually the left picture of a kidney...I dunno why they did that) has some sort of blockage (I think it says "Obscured by gas"...???) and the numbers closer to the kidney are way different from the ones on the other kidney. According to Google, a blocked renal artery can cause high blood pressure (among other issues), so this may be my issue.

Interesting huh? (I know, not really... lol).

I'll be seeing my doctor on Monday to get the results of this scan, plus some bloods and urine sample test results too... so will be interesting to update then and let you all know just how faulty my body is.

I'll probably be getting a pap-smear done as well, as last time I saw her she harassed me about getting one done. I really have no issues getting another one... I've only had one in the past, but the only reason I didn't have more was because I didn't like any of my doctors enough to let them near that region. I didn't trust any of them. I like this new doctor, so she's fine to venture into that scary area that is my puffy vag.

Actually... have I written about that here yet? If not I'll have to make sure I do next entry! lol.

And just before I sign off... I had a driving lesson yesterday. Yes, that's right... I'm 25 and do not drive. It's shameful, but I'm a wuss. I've finally decided to stop trying to drive manuals though... if I keep that up I'll be still on my L's in 10 years. I get scared after driving in a manual, then put off driving one for a few months... and by the time I start driving again, I have to re-learn everything. So now I'm just going Auto. Much easier.

Instructor said I was a pretty good driver, but go too wide when turning right after having to give way to another car... but it's not like I crash or anything, so it's not too bad really. I just need to work on it. Oh, and "dry steering." Like where I turn the wheel when my car isn't moving. That's bad apparently. I just automatically do it because absolutely everyone I've ever been in a car with does it! So have to unlearn that habit or I'll not go too well on my test. Otherwise I seem okay.

1 comment:

  1. I think your skinnies look perfectly fine! I'm a plus-sized girl and I always wear skinny jeans. I steer clear of bootleg jeans because they make me look like a Clydesdale - you know, the big workhorses with the feathery fetlocks.

    The only problem I find with clothes from City Chic is that they are SO expensive for the not-so-great quality that they are. Sigh.
