Monday, September 26, 2011

Hunger, Wanting to be Carefree and Rudeness

95.7kg now.

I'm officially on soft foods, and as if my body knows, I'm now hungry sometimes. Not famished - not how I used to be. Still, a mild hunger is an  interesting feeling after 3 weeks of not feeling like that at all.

I've managed to have some toast, which is nice. Just country split, so only tiny slices, but they're better than nothing. Cheese as well (chewed up well or melted) and I had an egg on my toast earlier. Had some really tender roast lamb last night with a shitload of gravy to help it go down... I managed a small amount of that, and about 5 peas. So, more than before, but still very very little food. Planning on making some meatballs for dinner tonight, so let's see how they go down... well I hope!

Not much is going on in life otherwise - it's school holidays up here though so I've been dealing with DD. She's not been too bad, and we even got her some pet mice the other day. The birds don't like her, and I felt bad for her not having a pet. She has no siblings or anything, so can get kind of lonely. I'd love to get her a dog, but that's not happening for a while yet... so figured mice would be a decent first pet for her. She named them Lila and Little Alana. Once she grows bigger though, apparently Little Alana will just be Alana. lol.

I really need to stop thinking about the sleeve and just get into my uni this unit. I've been slacking off and really need to start doing some work.

Oh - I did take DD to Underwater World and the beach nearby on Saturday... but I didn't go swimming. I don't have any swimwear, and while sitting on the sand watching everyone else, I'm not sure I would want to be in swimwear when surrounded by all those skinny tanned girls in their bikinis. I looked beyond them though, and noticed plenty of BIGGER people who didn't give 2 shits about the fact that they were bigger and just enjoyed their time. I think I need to be one of those people. One of those who doesn't give a shit and just gets on with it.

Otherwise the holidays have been fairly plain... I guess partly due to my recovery. Obviously that's fairly cleared up now but still tired a lot of the time. Also hard when I have little money.

The neighbour is giving me the shits though. She's SMSed me 3 times these holidays asking me if I could have her child stay overnight. Seriously, in what world is it good manners to invite your kid over? I would never do that - if DD wants to play with someone they can be invited over here... she's not inviting herself over. I'm really getting annoyed with it. All messages are the same, saying her kid wants to come over. Well, that's great, but I'm not a free babysitting service. If you kid wants to play, invite DD over. If I want your child to come over, I'll invite her. Don't get an invite? Then it means I'm not in the mood.

Anyway, this neighbour wanted me to have her kid overnight 2 nights before my surgery, and then 2 weeks post-op... and really, I was recovering and the last thing I wanted was to babysit. It sucks because they use hte same bus stop to go to school so it's not even like I can tell her to back off... cos I'll still have to see her. *groan*

She's nice, but irritating. I just don't like people without manners, and I'm not sure she has any really. Or, maybe, she just has different ones to me. Regardless, I find it rude to ask someone if they can have your kid over...

Just a bit of a rant really - since she did it today.

Hoping weight loss will continue... but let's just see...


  1. Hey :) I think it's wonderful that you had the surgery and are taking control of your life, I am wondering if you have seen a nutritionist or someone similar to help you eat in a more healthy/positive manner?

    I just noticed that you talk about eating loads of cheeses and other fatty foods.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  2. at the present, protein is very important. it is advised to consume lean meats, low fat cheeses and

