Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Saying Stupid Shit, Coconut Curry = Cramping and Plus-Size Sizes VS Standard Sizes...

Why do people say dumb shit to you if it's NOT going to change anything, other than your mood?

Last night I messaged Mum and then figured I should probably message Dad and let him know how things have gone post-op as the last time I spoke to him was a few days after surgery. I let him know in a message how much I'd lost (it's now officially a full 13kg!), etc etc... and said I'd call him sometime soon. I was watching "The One," and was feeling ill, and he has a habit of ringing rather than messaging back so I hoped this would make him realise I wasn't up for a chat right away... alas, it did not, and I recieved a phonecall almost immediately (so I have no idea wtf happened on the show... *sigh*).

Anyway, he went on and on about how good it was that I'd lost weight, blah blah... all good. Just the kind of positive stuff most people enjoy hearing.

Then he went on to say that he'd seen my profile pic on FB (not the current one readers who are also FB friends... but the one with me in the headphones), and he said something like, "I don't want to say gaunt... but just... drawn? Tired? A little sick?" etc etc. Basically saying I look crap and unhealthy.

Really, saying that is going to do what exactly? If he's trying to suggest surgery was a bad move... too late now! If he just thinks I look like shit (more likely, knowing my father), then why did he have to say anything? I don't say things like that to people I know... I don't go around telling them they look like they've packed on a few, or look like they could use a burger. I don't say, "Wow, you're looking WAY older than you should!" or anything. It's just impolite and has no benefit whatsoever. All it does is make the other person feel crap.

So yes, I took down that profile pic and replaced it. He'll probably say something about this one too (well, he won't, because I won't bother speaking to him anytime soon just to avoid that), but really, why did he need to say anything about the last one?

My face is thinner I think, which is a GOOD THING... having a fat face isn't something I want, so I'm GLAD it looks thinner. That photo was also taken at 9pm after wearing make-up all day... make-up that was probably smudged a little and therefore perhaps made me look a little tired or whatever... but regardless, it's not something that need commenting.


Of course, I also ended up getting lectured about other stuff. Apparently, it doesn't matter if you never use your uni degree properly - it's just a good idea to have one. He knows people who are qualified as doctors, but who work for the government. He was selling this to me as a reason to get my degree... but in all honesty, that doesn't seem all that logical, and certainly not a selling point. Why waste years training to be something, and then just go work in the government... a job that requires (in this particular role anyway) nothing more than perhaps a TAFE cert for working with computers or whatever. I didn't bother telling him about beauty school. I didn't see the point.

He also told me that I love people, and when I argued, he argued back with me, saying that yes I do love people. lol. It's great to know that he knows me better than I know myself. Seriously - I hate people. Not every person, but I am not exactly a social butterfly... and while I can quite easily and happily fake liking people in a job like beauty, or retail, or whatever... I still don't LOVE people. lol.

I love my Dad, I do... he's just so irritating. You cannot say anything without him bringing you down (though I honestly don't think it's his intention - I think he's just clueless) or lecturing you on stuff. He lectures on everything. I am so determined not to do that to my children, but who knows? I fear it'll happen oneday... I'll just pretend to be a fountain of knowledge and tell them that THIS IS RIGHT AND THEY ARE WRONG. lol. I still hope not.

Still trying to get in protein... god I hate it. I'm seeing Mum for lunch (for her birthday) next Friday as well as seeing my surgeon then too... so let's see what I end up eating. I haven't really eaten anywhere since my op, so it'll be interesting. Mum hardly eats too (she just has a naturally small appetite), so I might go halves with her in something, depending on what there is on offer. Maybe if we got a lasagne or something, I'd have my 3 mouthfuls and she could have the rest. lol.

I've heard some people at the same post-op stage as me (op on same day) are eating things like tabouli and coleslaw and chicken wings and stuff... I'm a bit jealous because even if my dietician gave me the go-ahead, my stomach just wouldn't hack it at this stage.

I also seem to not be able to tolerate coconut milk. I made a pork coconut curry... and I had about 2 mouthfuls before I felt that it was going to exit my body again in a matter of moments, though not sure via which exit. lol. It didn't, but I just lay down with cramps and aches and pains... I seriously thought it'd be an okay option given I tried the Tony Ferguson pre-made chicken coconut curry and it was fine... maybe I just suck at making my own.

It's also interesting to note that some people (the same bitches I mentioned posts and posts back), have been going on about how there's no way on earth I could be an XS at City Chic, since an XS and a 14 are the same. It's true - AT CITY CHIC. A City Chic 14 and a Target 14 (or just a regular store 14) are WORLDS apart. I am not a size 14 - only at City Chic. Do people, even plus-sized people, really not realise that plus-size stores generally offer generous sizing instead of standard sizing? So anyway - jerks - I am an XS at CC but this doesn't mean I'm a 14 if I went to shop elsewhere. I'd probably be an 18... MAYBE a 16 in a dress or top, but not bottoms. People can be seriously deluded, and it's amazing what they find worth bitching about.

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