Saturday, October 01, 2011

Well after my "only 100g loss," post, I've continued to drop... after trying to up my food intake. It seems to have worked. I'm now 94.3kg! WOOHOO! That's 100g shy of 13kg lost all up.

I went into Terry White yesterday and got a pack of the Tony Ferguson ready-made meals... the Coconut Chicken Curry one. I've had it before so knew it was really soft and yummy. 1/2 yesterday and 1/2 today. Went down well. Might go back and get some more, maybe try some of the other flavours.

Also found some GREAT cordial... The Natural Cordial Company. So far I can only find 4 flavours, but they're awesome because they're not diet, but they're not fully sugared-up like the cottees types either. With the sleeve, I'm supposed to have diet drinks, but EW. Aspartame tastes gross and it seems to be in every diet product there is... and it has a really obvious fake taste. This new cordial I've found though, uses 100% juice to make their cordial, plus stevia to flavour it. Stevia is stuff from an African plant (or something like that) that tastes like sugar but has WAY less carbs... so basically, this cordial tastes great!

Am planning to make beef strog for dinner tonight too, but obviously a little more friendly to my current eating stage. I want to start making meals we can all eat (well, DD and myself anyway). Am going to cut up some casserole beef really finely... and I'm using tinned mushrooms because they're just softer. I do prefer fresh, but obviously, I want to make sure my tummy is still kept happy.

Also have to recommend something that is so not diet-friendly, but is just divine - Honest Charlie's. It's a brand of drinks from NZ... they're just yummy as! They've got a few different types but I LOVE their lemonades. Old fashioned and without the fizz... just so yummy. I guess it's somethnig I can have as a sleever too because it lacks the carbonation... so I've got some raspberry lemonade which I'll have a little of each day if I'm feeling like I need it. Sure, it's sugary, but given I'm not eating much with sugar, I've decided it's allowable.

I'm also planning on temporarily stopping uni work next year. I dunno, I think doing it from home is so bloody hard. It's so easy to get distracted... I need to go it in person I think, so I can't just bludge. I'm doing well, sure, but I'm finding it really hard to stick to. I've also decided I need to FINANCIALLY contribute to my family as soon as I can, and this uni degree is going to take me a long time to complete.

So the plan is to do the diploma of Beauty Therapy (having already done the Cert III in Beauty and Cert II in Make-Up, so I know what it'll be like), get a job... and maybe, especially if I have my own small business at some stage, continue my uni-work then. I know everyone who was all "yay!" about me doing uni will probably not like this news, but tbh, my goal is to be a writer of novels, and I can still do that without a degree. My degree was more aimed at other stuff anyway, like journalism and working in film... which I guess I could do if I had to, but in all honesty, it's not something I feel comfortable with as I feel you need far more self-confidence for those roles than I have.

Plus, I don't mind beauty. I quite enjoyed my previous beauty courses and would ahve worked in that area happily were it not for falling pregnant. So I want to get out of the house to study that, then get a job in that area. I feel this is what my family needs right now... and maybe later things will allow for more uni work... if I decide I want to go back to that.

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