Thursday, August 25, 2011

Massive Overnight Loss, Wanting OJ and Seriously Sad Food-Licking

Wow... I woke this morning to see that a WHOLE KILO has been lost overnight! So now it's 3kg lost in 4 days of Optifast.

I can't even remember what I ate yesterday, apart from dinner which was just vege stir-fry with a tiny bit of soy sauce... so I won't be adding my daily menu today.

I've been REALLY tired on this stupid diet, and I am SO READY to just eat something that resembles real food. Okay, so I get veges... but really? Who on earth gets excited by veges? It was made worse by the fact that DP and DD had McDonalds for dinner... and DD didn't finish hers. Usually this would mean I'd eat her leftovers, but of course I couldn't. So I did something incredibly embarrassing and pathetic. I LICKED her cheeseburger. Like licked the cheese, licked the patty. Just to get SOME sort of taste in my mouth. It took all my strength not to eat it... but I didn't. I just threw it in the bin after a few licks. God that is sad... but I seriously am missing food that badly.

I know post-op it's going to be hard, but I'll also not be limited to opti rubbish post-op. If I want to have a soup, I can have it... if I want to have some orange juice, I'll have it. I can have milk too. Just stuff that is NOT opti. I will be over the moon to eat actual foods... even if they're blended within an inch of their life.

Still, it's only a couple of weeks, and I've got what? 9 more days until I can stop this horrible stuff? 9 days is hardly a lifetime, so I've got to hold onto that. I am totally jealous of people who get to have a small bit of meat though, and really wish I had seen a dietician already in case she'd have given me the ok to have meat as well (because it seems the dieticians are the ones who make these kinds of decisions). My own fault really - so seriously, if you're reading this before YOUR surgery, make sure you DO see a dietician pre-op... before your pre-op diet, just in case they give you a nicer diet to follow than JUST Opti.

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