Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The reason the blog shut-down... and why it's public again.

If you tried to log on yesterday evening, you'll have noticed that my blog had been set to private. It was going to remain that way until I'd figured out the invite-only thing, but I have since decided for it to remain public. I have removed 2 blog posts which I agree were not exactly the best thing to be sharing with the world. The rest will remain as is.

So why did I shut the blog down overnight? Well, I discovered page upon page of criticism and name-calling on a forum. Since they feel it okay to mention me, I think it fair I mention them. There is a forum, a spin-off from EB it seems, where a bunch of members get together for what appears to the sole purpose of bitching about others. Some comments are downright nasty, some seem very meme-like in that it's the same old joke brought up over and over again... etc etc. Regardless, there was some nastiness in there about me, and it really upset me.

I've always viewed me blog as a place for me to write about whatever I feel like - and if people didn't want to read, then they were free to simply not access it. If people did want to read however, here it was. I've been told by some people that they do enjoy my blog, that they are inspired by it (though I'm not particularly sure why) and that I say what they are thinking. So, I'm continuing it publically.

I will no longer frequent EB though - they can continue to waste their time tracking down my posts and reading/discussing my blog if they want... but I do not want to have to deal with them and it seems avoiding EB (and their bitchy forum) is probably the best way to go about that. I'll still be elsewhere online, however. Comments will no longer be anonymous either - if people want to say nasty things, then they will have to do so with a name attached.

Anyway, the blog will be remaining open and public and the posts will continue in the same style they always have - even if that means posting things others deem inappropriate. This blog is not required reading, so if you do not feel that the content is appropriate for your delicate sensibilities, then perhaps it's best you don't continue to read.

Thank you to everyone who has been kind and positive, I really appreciate your comments and advice and support.

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